Thursday, January 2, 2020

How UNICEF is Working to Better Child Feeding

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Founded by Miles Duggal, We Planet Earth is an organization that works for the benefit of charities around the globe. Through effective marketing and fundraising strategies, We Planet Earth supports charities and nonprofits such as UNICEF.

Every day, UNICEF works to better the lives of children, including those living in disadvantaged areas. In Syria, for example, UNICEF is working in partnership with 850 health centers and 50 mobile teams to improve the feeding practices of infants and young children.

In communities with high poverty rates, caregivers often feed infants and children with starch and sugar solutions because of low breast milk output. Poor nutrition means that mothers cannot get the food they need to breastfeed consistently. Starch and sugar are the available alternatives, but these substances can damage children’s digestive systems.

To correct this, UNICEF’s team of 1,800 health workers in Syria empower caregivers with free consultations on child feeding. The caregivers tell mothers what they should and should not do when feeding infants.

The health workers emphasize the importance of exclusive early child breastfeeding and educate mothers on healthy food alternatives for infants over the age of six months. In 2019, UNICEF reached 142,400 caregivers, benefiting hundreds of thousands of children.